On-boarding new frendszies

The first impression can only be made once.
At Frends, we have developed our on-boarding process, and the work continues. We want new frendzies to have a warm welcome and a smooth start with full support.
Our goals are
- engage new employees
- increase productivity
- reduce staff turnover and
- strengthen our employer image.
Concrete actions
When a new frendzie starts with us, we have a welcoming package and all the tools ready on the first day.
We also give the newbies an on-boarding booklet. The booklet includes a timetable for the first week's training and all necessary information and links to ease the beginning.
We have an HR presentation on the first days where we go through the organization, main tools, practices, and tasks. Superiors guide new frendzie on a more profound level to our tools and, of course, introduces the new person to the rest of the team. Teams' coffee breaks and weekly meetings ensure that the new ones get to know other team members in the early stage.
Every new employee also gets a named mentor who helps in the first months with all questions.
"In addition to my own work, I also mentor two of our junior developers. It's been nice to share my knowledge and, at the same time, see how much I've learned. Mentoring has also been fun because new people bring fresh, new ideas that I might not have thought of myself." Juuso, Integration Consultant.
Newbies are invited to our NewBies-channel and to other digital channels. In the NewBies-channel, it is easy to ask and get answers - and of course, get to know other frendzies. In the first months, we also have a NewBies meet-up where it is nice to meet other new ones and have some peer support.
Our culture strongly supports the idea that there are no stupid questions, and this also helps our newbies ask whatever they have in their minds.
"I think it was good that I received a lot of support and feedback from other frendzies. In addition, tools for quick learning were available. I have also been able to ask everyone for help with a very low threshold if there is something on my mind. Everyone has been very helpful and willing to support my learning, which has felt good." – Juuso, Integration Consultant.
Superiors discuss regularly with the newbies to get and give feedback on how everything has gone.
On-boarding satisfaction
We also measure our on-boarding satisfaction with a short survey and discussion about how has the start gone from various angles. This measurement helps us to further develop our on-boarding process.
The figures of the survey shows that our orientation is in good shape (scale 1-4):
- I like to work in my unit 3,8
- I have received enough support 3,6
- I feel like I got into our team well 3,6
- I enjoy my current job 3,6