Aino, Frends Service Manager eternalized the company logo in her tattoo: “This experience will last a lifetime”.

Aino Tarhala, Senior Service Manager of Frends, truly tested her employer’s flexibility and asked if she could move to Mexico – during the probationary period. Now Aino has a beautiful neck tattoo that stands out with the logo of Frends.
Aino’s career in the IT sector started later in life, after having children. As the service manager of Frends, she has achieved the top of her career and found her place professionally. At the same time, she has been able to fulfill her long-term dream and live abroad. The significant phase of life is now eternalized as a tattoo.
“A few years ago, I recognized a need to eternalize something in my skin. Tattoos are a form of self-expression. In my latest tattoo, I wanted to symbolize my current life situation in Mexico, as it is so amazing to be here. Frends play a major role in that,” says Aino.
A local tattoo artist, famous for her colorful water paint tattoos, agreed to make a more ordinary tattoo with different-sized stars. The pattern was inspired by Rihanna, an artist admired by Aino. With three Frends logos to supplement the star pattern, Aino designed a unique version of Rihanna’s neck tattoo.
“The logos among stars symbolize my career development and the product growth journey. I can stand proudly behind the Frends integration platform that has been the longest in the market. In addition, the logo is simply beautiful.”
Working from Mexico has enabled new cultural experiences for the whole family and significantly improved Aino’s well-being. However, tackling an eight-hour time difference has required practice with scheduling eating and sleeping.
Aino sleeps from 8–11 pm and then starts her night shift. Around 7 am, she finishes work and starts the morning routine with the children. After a morning nap, she has time for herself, which means going to the gym and exploring new places. In the afternoon, it’s time to pick up the children from school and focus on family time and children’s activities.
“Sometimes everyday life feels consuming, especially when kids’ school events make me stay up late. However, I sleep better, work out more regularly, and eat more purely than in Finland. Even the customer feedback is more positive. I have chosen this rhythm as I am most efficient when working in Finland’s time zone.”
Aino appreciates the flexibility of Frends that has enabled fulfilling an important dream and finding a functional daily rhythm. Frends has given Aino an option for a shortened work week, which has not been needed for now. The culture of trust was already visible while working in Finland, as employees could choose between working remotely or from the office.
“Frends will stay with me as an experience that lasts a lifetime. I get support from my colleagues, who seem close, even though I am physically on the other side of the world. It is amazing how an employer enables a unique career supporting professional development and well-being.”
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