Frends recruitment process

We want brilliant friends working with us, and one vital thing for us is our recruitment process.
Our main goal is that our recruitment process is smooth, open, and informative. We don't want to waste talent's time and effort on irrelevant things. Still, we must get to know each other a bit before starting a journey together, so it's a two-way process.
Developing our process
We measure on our recruitment feedback discussions how the recruitment was – did the work, company, and culture meet the expectations we created during the recruitment process.
We also use a candidate satisfaction survey to develop our recruitment process further. Feedback is asked whether or not the person has been recruited to our company.
Our overall candidate satisfaction is 4,8 (scale 1-5).
Our recruitment process's most valued things are smooth, fast, communicative, informative, flexible, open communication, respectful, and friendly attitude.
Here are some thoughts from our survey, which are common in our feedback:
"Contacting and the meeting occurred very soon after applying, that was very nice, not too much waiting. Clear milestones, what is the next step. Very nice and relaxed meeting via Teams."
"Fluid and open communication between the interviewers and me. The hiring process was clear, informative and smooth throughout."
"Very good in the process was its overall smoothness. All the steps progressed quickly, and what's important to the job seeker, I had a picture all the time where the process was. Communication was also open and smooth."
"Applying for a job was made simple and easy. There are not several dozen separate questions and sections to fill out." "The technical tasks were pleasing; they were able to show their own technical skills. It was great that there were different people in the interview who could be asked questions related to the job."

Frends recruitment process – how does it go then?
As a candidate, you might think about how does the process go. What are the steps we shall take together?
We have different kinds of positions to fill, so the process can vary a bit. Also, we want our process to be flexible and consider the person's situation and skills.
When you get in touch with us or vice versa, we would like to know about your general situation, motivations, and everything that makes you tick. So, first, there is usually a phone call between you and our recruiter.
We also want to give you a complete picture of us, so in the first conversation, you will hear more about us and can ask questions. We also like to send more information about us by email, and usually, those include blogs and videos.
After that, if you and we think we should discuss more, we usually have one or two meetings, where the supervisor and some team member are also present. Meetings can be held via Teams or live - as you wish. This is a good point for you to ask more about the role and our culture from your possible future team member or supervisor.
The goal is to get to know each other better: you as a team member and us as a company, culture and team. We both want to ensure that we are a good fit for each other – right? So we'll tell as much about us, our ways of working and our culture. This way, you can evaluate are we a fit for you. Two-way honesty is something that we value right from the beginning.
Of course, for technical roles, we evaluate the technical skills. This is done through a technical assignment that you can do at home at a time that suits you best. Or we arrange a more technical meeting where some of our experienced developer or architect is involved. We rarely use live coding tasks because most of us wouldn't like them either in front of strangers – of course, you can make a wish about our process, and we'll be flexible 😊.
We also promise that we will try to make the decision fast from our side and won't keep you waiting. We also promise to tell the schedule and how the process continues. We like to communicate and keep you updated about the situation. This is of course what we always like to hear from your side also.
How does this sound? Should we have the first conversation? Check out our open positions, or contact us straight away!
You might also be interested to read our other blog: Frends recruitment focuses on a strong candidate experience and modern recruitment.